Highway 831

Project Details

Year Completed: 2020
Client: Alberta Transportation
Location: Boyle, AB

This Alberta Transportation project included pavement rehabilitation and safety improvements on 30 km of Highway 831:10 from Hwy 661 to Hwy 63. The pavement rehabilitation included subgrade excavation and full width mill and replace to maintain the existing roadway width. Geometric improvements to six intersections and a safety rest area are proposed, including construction of two service roads. Other miscellaneous work included sideslope improvements, access management, erosion repair, culvert rehabilitation, curb and sidewalk repairs through the Village of Boyle, adjustments to manholes and water valves, highway street lighting, installation of high-tension cable barrier, rumble strips and permanent signing upgrades.


Our Role

Engineering Design, Field Engineering, Project Management, Survey & Geomatics

CAP was responsible for the overall project engineering, from preliminary field engineering and design through to tendering and construction. This involved site investigations, preliminary survey, confirmation of surfacing requirements and all quantity calculations, including but not limited to asphalt concrete pavement, cold milling, signing, roadway lines and messages, milled rumble strips, barrier and delineators. The intersections and safety rest area improvements were modelled in AutoCAD Civil 3D and grading quantities determined. Right-of-way was acquired for the intersection improvements and agreements obtained for all utility crossings and the railway crossing in Boyle. A design report was created, which outlined all the project details, calculations, and estimates. Following review and approval by Alberta Transportation, a tender document with special provisions was developed utilizing standard templates. Cost estimates were prepared based on historical average unit prices.