Manitoba Hydro – Onsite Construction Inspection Services

Project Details

Year Completed: 2020
Client: Manitoba Hydro
Location: Manitoba

In the summer of 2015, Manitoba Hydro released two Request for Proposals for the provision of onsite construction inspections, witnessing services, and related activities for transmission line and various other types of projects across Manitoba. Since entering into service contracts in the fall of 2015, CAP has supplied over 20 personnel to provide onsite inspection services on the civil, mechanical, and electrical aspects of various Manitoba Hydro projects, including Bipole III Transmission Line Project, Lake Winnipeg East Transmission Line Project, Missi Falls Control Structure Fuel Tank Replacement Project, and Wuskwatim Fuel Systems Upgrade Project.


Our Role

Field Engineering

As the owner’s onsite representative, CAP’s involvement includes, but is not limited to:

  • Onsite quality/construction inspections
  • Ensuring adherence to drawings and specifications
  • Supporting field design modifications
  • Monitoring safety performance
  • Monitoring environmental performance
  • Completing daily progress reporting
  • Compiling and verifying AC documentation
  • Preparing deficiency lists