The project involved rehabilitation of Highway 831:08/10 including a mill and replace, sideslope improvements, intersection improvements and intersection lighting. Approximately 80,700 tonnes of Asphalt Concrete Pavement (ACP) were used to rehabilitate the highway. Hwy 831 is an arterial north/south highway through north central Alberta.
The major activities included:
- Pavement rehabilitation, including cold milling and asphalt concrete pavement,
- Intersection improvements at Hwy 661, Golf Course Access, Twp Rd 631A, Long Lake North Access, and Rge Rd 192A/Airport Access,
- Highway street lighting at Twp Rd 631A intersection,
- Access management,
- Sideslope improvement,
- Repair of sidewalk, curb and gutter anc catch basin grates within the Village of Boyle
- Adjustment of manholes and water valves within the village of Boyle,
- Culvert rehabilitation,
- Strong Post W-Beam guardrail,
- Permanent signage,
- Painted roadway lines and messages,
- Milled rumble strips.